This is Snubbed, a ForReel Original Video Series co-hosted by myself, Thomas Stoneham-Judge, and LA-based film critic, Derrick Murray. In this series, Derrick and I take some time to reflect on past Oscars and correct some things. Of course, we can’t correct everything with the Oscars, but we can certainly look back with the benefit of hindsight and identify the more deserving winners, one year and one category at a time. New episodes publish monthly. Check back regularly, or subscribe below.



  • In a transformative year for the Oscars, 10 films contended for the Best Picture award for the first time ever. The winner: Green Book. But, in a year with additional nominees, streaming services as viable award contenders, and a superhero movie nominated in the category for the first time ever, was this really the best candidate to win Best Picture?

    In this episode, Thomas and Derrick take a look back on this award and decide which film was truly snubbed for the win.